I knocked. “Who is it?” He said from behind the closed door.
There was a moment of panic. He was dead.
I tore the place apart. I emptied drawers, tore out sofa stuffing,
I felt like I’ve never felt. The possibilities were endless.
I’ve always been productive and focused.
But I managed to work hard and have little to show for it.
Things were different now. It was like I grew up over night.
It was a deal I couldn’t pass up. And out of nowhere there’s a dead body.
This shit just keeps happening to me.
Messages were everywhere. All but one from a guy named Bukowski.
I thought a minute. I’d heard the name.
I didn’t mean for this to happen. I had put others in danger.
Don’t hang up, I said. I’ll talk you through it.
I seriously considered suicide.
My head was a fog. My vision blurred.
What were the chances?
Somewhere in the distance
A dog barked